K D M Electronics Inc.

K D M Electronics Inc.


931 Progress Ave, Unit #12


ON M1G 3V5


Phone: 416-439-7158

KDM was registered as a proprietorship in 1974 and incorporated in 1976. In 1997, KDM moved to our present address at 931 Progress Ave., Unit #12, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. After being located at 705 Progress Ave. for 18 years, we moved to our present address for all the right reasons. We simply needed the additional space to manufacturer our products to meet increasing demand. Ron Bull formed KDM Electronics Incorporated with the mandate to design and manufacture central speaker clusters and sound systems for Recreational Facilities (Hockey and Figure Skating Arenas, Gymnasiums, Community Halls, Swimming Pools, etc.). These sound systems are flexible and easy to operate, plus capable of producing voice and music quality not normally associated with these types of facilities.